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Category Archives: Tunnelløpet

Made today’s street training long run interesting by doing a tunnelløpet: a Norwegian tunnel race.  I was due to run at least 15 miles and the course I selected today hit it spot on.  Let me list the tunnels I ran through on this near 3 hour, 15 mile run:


  1. Powell Street Station/Market
  2. Chronicle Building/Natoma & 5th Street
  3. Stockton Tunnel/Stockton
  4. Broadway Tunnel/Broadway
  5. Historic Earthworks/Fort Point
  6. Golden Gate Bridge/Toll Plaza
  7. California Academy of Sciences/Golden Gate Park
  8. DeYoung Museum/Golden Gate Park
  9. San Francisco Conservatory of Flowers/Golden Gate Park
  10. Children’s Play Ground/Golden Gate Park
  11. Van Ness Station/Market
  12. Civic Center Station/Market

I started out kind of alarmed if I could really get this long run in, but by the time I was cruising through Powell Street Station I was settled down.  Stockton Tunnel was my first long tunnell and emerging into a crowded China Town I had to weave between the congested sidewalk and the street.  Hit Broadway Tunnel pretty straight off came out and was amazed at how close I was to Aquatic Park.  Adjusting my course now to follow the San Francisco Marathon Route along Fort Mason, Marina Green and Crissy Field.  Back on the trail to run under the Historic Earth Works Tunnell above Fort Point and popped through to run underneath the Golden Gate Bridge.  Back on trail in the Presidio took the switchbacks down to Battery Chamberlin at Baker Beach.  Through the parking lot up Lincoln to El Camino to cut over to 26th Avenue and back on course for the SF Marathon.  26th is rolling hills.  Into the park and through the tunnel at Crossover Drive and JFK.  Up JFK using a recently discovered trail to take me over to the Japanese Tea Garden and back onto MLK.  Run past the California Academy of Sciences and under the tunnell there, musical concourse fountains then another tunnel under the deYoung.  Up and over to JFK to pick up another tunnel at the Conservatory of Flowers to the Tennis Courts.  I find a gated and locked tunnel that takes one to the tennis courts, but I had to go up and over it to continue to the Children’s Play Ground and the tunnel that leads out of the park on Haight and Stanyan.  Cruise the whole length of Haight and down to Market.  2 blocks to Van Ness Street Station, hit the Underground tunnel.  8th Street Civic Center Bart Station to 7th.  Pop out that tunnel and its just Mission, Howard and Home.

This long run felt great and doable.  Had to be creative to keep it interesting for the duration and also get as much of a combination of trail combined with the actual Marathon route.  I could have kept going.  Right big toe a problem but big muscles agreeable.  Wore the Speedsuit and didn’t have to peel it.  Sunny with some breeze, excellent conditions.  What sucked is that the battery on my iPhone died in the Haight Ashbury so I wasn’t accurately tracked on GPS.  I’ve outrun my iPhone and have to look at longer lasting GPS alternatives.  Very satisfied with myself and my training.  Treated Breezee One at Red Lobster in San Bruno after my tunnelløpet and then a massage with my CMT.

  • 16 June 2010
  • 9:55am – 12:50pm
  • 15.12 miles
  • 11:36 avg. pace
  • 5.17 avg. speed
  • 947 feet climbed
  • 12 tunnels
  • 1921 calories burned
  • 153 lbs.